What Makes the Perfect Cat Tree?
The main objective of the cat tree is to entertain the cat and provide him with a place where he can play his instinctive behavior. An ideal cat tree should have some key features to make it an ideal game structure.
Cats love to visit their territory
The ideal height of the cat tree will be higher than most of its furniture. You should not go to the roof, but you should consider a good height on the shoulders of a seated adult. Being on the top floor not only gives you the opportunity to observe your lair, but also acts as a safe area, where you can feel safe seeing things. It is much more attractive to see your kitten on top of your cat tree, and not on the fragile platform.
Sitting in the area of a tree is a place where your cat can sit, sleep and gather. In general, they are a characteristic of the cat tree and give this type of cat furniture a wooden appearance. The dream takes almost 20 hours a day of the cat. Providing a place other than your favorite sofa or chair will make both of you happy. The cubby are also fun to jump, have them on different levels and from different angles, it is a safe and fun place to burn some playful energy. One of the hangers can also be a pit ceiling. Under stress, cats love to hide. Hook – the best shelter than a box with clean clothes.
Scratching is probably the most annoying behavior for owners to deal with
This instinctive behavior is less destructive if it offers your cat a more suitable and seductive place to work with its claws. Scratching posts covered in sisal are a very important part of the cat’s tree. In addition to harmful behavior, scratches leave their smell and the way cats mark their territory. Giving them their own place to reclaim and scratch their hearts will help keep their claws on their things.
You can buy a cat tree that reaches the roof and extends through the ground, and although your cat will like it, it is important to find one that works within the space available to you. Many wonder how difficult it is to choose the design of their cat tree when they see all the available options.
Cat trees give your cat a place to jump, hide and scratch, and it can also be a comfort where they sleep, rest or hide when stressed. By bringing furniture suitable for cats, you are attentive to the instinctive needs of your cat. If you have a lazy kitten that cannot bounce on shelves or scratch your walls, cat furniture can also be useful. As naturally curious animals, sometimes something new is needed to revive these lazy engines. The main reason why we love cats as pets is their strange personality. Driven primarily by instinct, feline behavior can go from pleasant to capricious when not enough stimulation is given. Cat trees can help overcome behavioral problems and keep your cat healthy, happy and without problems.