Divorce Lawyer San Antonio

You and your spouse have decided to end your marriage because of specific issues. You might be wondering if a divorce attorneys San Antonio is required to sort out the divorce details. Let us look at the technicalities involved in a divorce and, when necessary, a lawyer.

Being cooperative and making decisions within yourself

If you and your partner do not have a significant dispute and can discuss the divorce details peacefully, then a divorce lawyer may not be required. If both of you can respect each other’s needs and decisions, the divorce will surely go on smoothly without any issues. Some issues that you may need to discuss:

  • Child custody and support if your children are minors
  • Amount of child support that either of you will have to pay
  • Property-based discussions and deciding what property will go to whom
  • Custody of your pets, if any.

If you can agree on all these major issues without any dispute, you can directly ask the court to grant you a divorce. This is known as an uncontested divorce. Benefits of being able to handle the situation on your own without the need of any divorce attorney include:

  • Having better control and freedom over the decisions.
  • Saving quite a lot of money would have been spent towards the lawyer’s fee and given to the court in case of any hearings.
  • Divorce is already hard for a child. Seeing their parents fight with each other can be even more devastating. Hence, a peaceful divorce may help the kid adjust to the changes quickly.

Though, if you are filing for an uncontested divorce, having a divorce attorney San Antonio look through the terms and conditions is a good idea. This allows them to eliminate any legal issues present and saves both of you from any deception.

divorce attorneys san antonioNeeding a divorce lawyer

If you and your partner have some significant issues and cannot agree with each other’s conditions and end up fighting, then hiring a divorce lawyer may be a good idea. Some problems that will require you to hire a lawyer include:

  • Domestic abuse towards you or your children.
  • Lying, cheating or manipulation of any sort may lead you to take actions, not in your interest.
  • If there is difficulty in deciding the custody of the child and pets or the amount needed for child support.
  • If your partner has already hired a lawyer against you.

You may speak and consult with a lawyer before hiring one. They will advise you on the best course of action. Though, make sure to think and research appropriately before hiring any lawyer.

Limited representation

It may not be necessary to hire a full-time lawyer for the case. Instead, you could hire a lawyer that advises you on the best course of action. They may inform you on the legalities and fairness of your divorce agreement, help you file the divorce, attend hearings if any are scheduled. These lawyers can be of two types:

  • Collaborative: Here, both of you need to have separate lawyers. They focus on settlement rather than litigation.
  • Mediation: These lawyers can represent both of you and act as a mediator with neutral interests.