Memories have two sides and we have to live with the truth that while there are some memories which are worth forgetting, there are other good memories which are worth keeping and cherishing forever. Some memories which are worth keeping are those of our pets one way of keeping them is through pet photography Australia, where you get quality shots for your lovely pet. No one knows when you might need to look into the photos and enjoy those good pictures of you and your pet. But we all know that pets are animals.
Unlike human beings, they are very restless and might not settle for a clear photo. As the owner of those pets, you must ensure that the pet is settled for a clear amazing shot, but keep in mind that some random shots were taken while your pet is jumpy come out perfectly. However, there are few safety tips you should keep in mind while trying to keep your pet in a position for your photographer to get the best shot!
Here are the tips
- No matter how calm or docile your pet is, they can bite or scratch, therefore, you must ensure that you handle them carefully without hurting or irritating them. They are unpredictable animals that cannot be trusted. Remember the photographer is a stranger to your pet and they might be hostile to them or behave differently. Talk to the photographer to understand your pet because shouting to it may result in an attack. Pets such as dogs do not trust strangers.
- Secondly, take the time to give instructions to your pet instead of leaving the photographer to do it. Pets such as dogs trust their owners and the people they are used to. They take instructions from such people with ease. Therefore, it will be easier for the owner of the pet to instruct the pet during the photo shoot.
- Take your pet to familiar grounds where it trusts the ground. Pets such as dogs and cats do not trust strange places and they might not cooperate for the photo shoot. A dog could just start barking at every new feature and face while a cat could start finding its way back home. To tame your pet for pet photography Australia, ensure that you choose a familiar venue for a photo shoot with your pet. It could be your living room or backyard.
- Use food as a bait to keep your pet in position and prevent it from being restless. When pets eat, they tend to relax and become more docile. Feed your pet well before photography so that you will not have a hard time controlling it, during the photography.
- Finally, include family in the photoshoot to make the memories great.