weight loss pills

You are fixated on your couch bed, a bowl of greasy snacks, while your gyming equipment and bike stand in obscure corners of your home catch rust. Then one day, you come across an advertisement for weight loss pills that makes high claims of making you lose fat and get you in the desired shape. What happens next? Do you see it as an eyewash or simply go on surfing the channels? Let’s know the truth behind so-called Powerful weight loss pills. Do they really slim you up? Or it is nothing beyond an exaggerated advertisement of a product?

weight loss pillsRead on!

Do weight loss pills work?

Weight loss pills prescribed for long-term usage, i.e., for about 12 months consecutively, trigger a substantial loss in weight than placebo. The combo of lifestyle changes and weight-loss drugs helps the person produce better results than the scenario of relying on lifestyle changes alone.

Lifestyle changes can generate 3 to 7% of weight loss over a period of 1 year. You may deem it as a fair difference. However, about 5 to 10% of weight loss triggers several essential health benefits such as reduced blood pressure, triglyceride, and blood sugar.

Weight loss pills are typically expensive, and you can’t always pay for them by insurance. Nonetheless, you may inquire about your insurance company regarding the coverage. The usage of weight loss drugs may incite mild side effects such as diarrhea, constipation, nausea, etc. Furthermore, many people have reported weight gain as they stopped taking the pills. Nonetheless, you may embrace healthy lifestyle changes to limit your weight gain.

Before adopting the usage of any weight loss drug, one must take the pain of consulting a physician. Discuss the risks, benefits, contraindications, and side effects on your well-being. Weight loss pills are no magic bullets when it comes to weight loss. They are a supplement that, along with lifestyle changes, can help you take your weight loss regime to the next level.

Who should consider weight-loss drugs?

In case you have not been able to lose weight through exercise and diet, the doctor may recommend weight-loss pills. Furthermore, the physician may also check your Body Mass Index, and if it is greater than 30, you would have to take the pills. However, before the doctor prescribes any Powerful weight loss pillsa doctor will evaluate your health history deeply.