The importance:
Many employers are doing their best that they can to give the best options to their employees as far as the compensation and other payments options are concerned. Throughout the world especially now during the current situation the thinking the best for the employees is fading due to the situation ad as they have to work from home and other conflicts of opinions that are seen these days. Here the care for the well being of the employee becomes essential as they are the resources that bring in the other resources to the organization and gaining their trust and respect is the top priority of the employers and hence the employee share plan where they give out a particular percentage of share in the company and this goes a long way in the well being of the employee and their families.
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Important need:
- Every organization needs the attention of a secretary that is smart knows his or her job well and also well versed in various fields of the time such as company law, business details and concepts, objectives of the company and other legal matters such as registering the organization at the start of the life of the organization. But those does not stop there are many unheard of responsibilities come into the bag of the corporate secretary that the common people are not aware of such as the arranging of meetings, the board room meetings, annual reviews, preparing the minutes of the meetings, advising the employer about the recent developments in the field of their business and other aspects which are seriously linked with the profitability of the company that they work for.
- The office appointments, considerations for the resignations, use of technological details, the new turns in the corporate law are all taken care of by the company secretary.
- Providing the corporate governance advice, keeping in tune with the statutory and the non statutory aspects of the employee rights is yet another task that they have to perform to the fullest in order to keep the employees in the best of their spirits.
- The corporate secretary has to offer suggestions as far as the corporate policies are concerned as well as the new developments in the corporate law which might have changed in the recent times.
- Keeping the employer well informed as soon as the change takes place is important.
- Now they have brought in the corporate secretary solutions which is digitized and it can help in a big way where outsource company secretary can be made possible.