
After all the hurdles and your solutions, here is a list of the pure advantages of working digitally in the office:

  • Your customer service will be better if you don’t have to scroll forever for information, but enter the search term. The answer to the customer question can be given during the phone call.
  • Digital storage spaces allow the most flexible structures. Both the archive and current material can be sorted and copied in any number of subfolders, are easily restored and the final deletion works without a shredder.
  • Online tools hr app enable the best possible collaboration with the team. For example, anyone can comment on a document or make changes from their own place. An individual assignment of rights prevents difficulties here.
  • Your work will be super efficient if you send files not only by letter or e-mail, but also in team chats and apps. Flixcheck also takes this step and allows your customers to send data within seconds.
  • If your office is digitized, your employees can either work on site or at home. This is the most practical and social solution for everyone. It is even possible to share desks if everyone has their documents digitally.

The most obvious thing is that you save an enormous amount of resources when you work without paper: wood, water, chemicals for paints and energy for printing and shipping. To make your hrm system really more sustainable, use green electricity and do not print out digital documents later. If it is absolutely necessary, then only on recycled paper. Once you start, a lot of effort is required. But once the greatest work is done, everything will be much easier and faster afterwards.

Think about whether there is a season or a time of the day or week in which there is less to do in your industry. Use this for digital renovation. This is also an opportunity to take stock and sort out everything that is no longer needed. Use your effort wisely and emerge from the process as a winner.It helps many people with concentration and inspiration if they can write something down by hand, circle it, mark it, tick it off or connect it with arrows. They therefore refuse to type their notes with the keyboard. The solution: use devices with a touchscreen and appropriate pens. Their use is very similar to writing, drawing and painting by hand and can actually aid the creative process.