Life has become so fast-paced that people live with a pretense more over authenticity, which is why they are unhappy and sad. It is time for them to accept the truth and lay it bare on the table in front of others no matter what they or the other person is. However, some people are still not confident enough to accept the truth, and this is why they need the guidance of a spiritual leader to pave the way.
Teal Swan and her mission of Positive World Change
Teal Swan is a highly respected name in the world of spiritual healing and self-development. Her mission is to spread Positive World Change where authenticity will replace pretense. This will lead to the world’s peace, and the Earth will become a happier place for all beings to live.
Best-selling author and motivational speaker
She has written six best-selling books and, as an international speaker, is well respected and well-loved across the globe. She is the survivor of child abuse; however, she did not allow that episode to dampen her spirit when it came to becoming a positive role model to several men and women who face pain and suffering.
Helping others to heal and find their way
She was born in New Mexico in Santa Fe with a range of unique extrasensory abilities like clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. Due to these innate qualities, she ended up becoming a victim of pain and suffering.
Rise over pain and suffering for a better life
According to her, it was this pain and suffering that impacted the way of how she teaches. She says that without that phase in her past, she might have just shared esoteric knowledge about the whole universe in general. She admits she would never have known about suffering and real pain. Today she is able to relate to others and help them to heal. Both men and women have been able to find new meaning in their lives with her guidance.
Helping people to see the real truth and accept it the way it is
As a healer, she is not recommended to those seekers who want to feel good when they get on the spiritual path. According to her, some people want to embrace spirituality just to feel good about themselves. She wants to be there for those people who, after knowing reality and the truth, it will hurt them. The reality is impartial, and there is nothing personal involved. It guides the person from inside and shows him or her what to do.
Teal Swan has a goal to reflect what is taking place across the globe, humanity, and the universe. Here, she shows people both the good and bad that they should accept. There are some things the universe or the world cannot accept, own, or integrate. One should have the power and willingness to see the real truth. This makes them empowered to take mental, physical, and mental steps for improvement based on the knowledge along with the awareness they gather during the process.