According to the New York Daily News, some foods can speed up your metabolism. Your metabolism manages your body’s ability to get rid of fats. Obviously, the only way to change your metabolism is to gain or lose weight and build muscle. However, eating certain foods can provide a temporary boost to your metabolism, as well as allow you to lose weight over time.
Dairy products
Calcium found in dairy products like low-fat milk and yogurt stimulates the metabolism process. Research from the University of Tennessee found that diet plan participants who consumed 1,200 to 1,500 milligrams of calcium per day lost up to twice the pounds of diet plan participants who consumed less calcium. Perhaps the old saying is true: Milk is really good for the body.
Complex carbohydrates
Complex carbohydrates found in foods like grains, fruits and grains take longer for the system to break down, which means you feel full for longer after eating them. These types of carbohydrates will help you shed fat by keeping insulin amounts low, which in turn increases your metabolism. In contrast, simple carbohydrates found in sugary foods like candy, candy, and soda can increase your insulin levels, transferring the connection to your system that you need to keep excess body fat and slow down your metabolism.
Many breakfast foods contain complex carbohydrates (cereals, oatmeal, wheat toast, or bread). Oatmeal is one of the most important types of fat burning in the body, as it gradually breaks down in the stomach. Eating every morning on your system can make it easier to burn fats in the body because it will keep insulin amounts lower, thus stimulating burning calories faster. A US Navy clinical study revealed that eating in the morning helps increase fat burning capacity by 10%. Skipping meals throughout the day slows down your metabolism, causing your system to retain extra body fat.
Capsaicin, the chemical that gives peppers heat, speeds up the heart rate and speeds up the metabolism. Eating one hot and spicy meal daily can increase your metabolism by 25 percent, an increase that will last for about three hours. Some examples of spicy and spicy bites to try are jalapeno, habaneros, and chili peppers.
The system requires much more energy to break down protein than carbohydrates or body fat. Therefore, the more protein you consume, the more your system will absorb it, and the more calories burned. Researchers at Arizona State University found that people who eat a high-protein diet daily burn twice as many calories after eating as people who follow a high-carb diet daily.
In addition to being an excellent source of simple protein, seafood contains omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fatty acids alter the amounts of the hormone leptin, which determines whether you burn calories or keep them as fat in the body. Mayo Clinic’s research compared two African tribes. People from one tribe who ate a lot of clams had five times less leptin than people from a different tribe who ate mostly vegetables. The ideal options for omega-3 fatty acids are salmon, tuna, and sardines. When you don’t want shellfish, a fish oil supplement works as well. Seafood of the Month Club specializes in supplying premium quality seafood.