Metal alloys are precious elements because they perform continuous functions in our society and even in our health. Energy and natural resources reduce harmful carbon emissions and extract new, making them incredibly valuable and easily recyclable.

All metal is subject to processing

Common metals to be recycled include steel, iron, copper, and aluminum. But all other metals can also be recycled. And you never know where to find recyclable metal. If you are interested in metal recycling Melbourne, check with your local scrap metal recycling center for advice on where to start. Cars, trucks, and motorized equipment such as tractors and forklifts contain large amounts of lucrative alloy. Plus, home appliances, electronics, jewelry, gym, and more are additional examples of items with a decent amount of recyclable alloy. Read on to learn about the basic metal recycling processes to understand better the business’s importance, necessity, and value in general.

Standard metal processing

There are several ways to recycle metal. It depends on personal preference, the methods used by individual recycling centers, and other factors such as available technology, state regulations, etc. However, the main process can be divided into seven basic steps. Here they are:

Collecting: Metal cannot be recycled unless it has been harvested beforehand. Scrap can be delivered to landfills, old car dealers, metal processing centers, etc. After collection, the individual center chooses its processing method.

Categorization: After the alloys are collected, the center should categorize and categorize them. Usually, non-ferrous and ferrous metals are separated, and then valuable metals are separated further.

Processing: Once the entire product has been categorized and classified, it can be processed. When the metal is crushed, rolled, or broken to the correct size, it makes the smelting process more efficient.

Liquefied: after processing, the metal can melt. The liquefaction stage includes several large industrial furnaces that produce intense heat that quickly melts it. Each oven is assigned a specific type of metal to keep the recycled product as pure as possible.

Clarification: After melting, the product must be disinfected and cleaned. The cleaning process is essential because it allows the final product to be of better quality and cleaner. Electrolysis is usually a typical cleaning method.

Curing: After everything is melted and refined, the products move along a conveyor belt to cool and solidify. In most cases, the metal is formed into rods (or sheets) at this stage of the process.

Distribution: After the metal has completed the recycling process, it is ready to be redistributed. Recycled metal can be used in various fields, including construction, agriculture, arts, education, and more.