Joon Faii Ong London Briefly Talks About Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a type of brain disorder that causes uncontrollable or unintended movements like stiffness, shaking, tremors, and difficulty with balance and coordination. These symptoms generally start of gradually and get worse over time. Patients of Parkinson’s disease might face difficulty walking and talking as the disease progresses. They might even have sleep problems, memory difficulties, fatigue, depression, sleep issues and so on.  A lot of specialists like Joon Faii Ong London try to help patients of Parkinson’s disease with the assistance of varying medical devices, treatment approaches and so on.

Even though virtually almost any person can be at a risk for developing Parkinson’s disease, this condition mostly develops among individuals over the age of sixty. Early-onset forms of Parkinson’s are generally inherited, and some forms have also been linked to particular gene mutations. The most prominent sign of Parkinson’s disease takes place when the nerve cells in the basal ganglia becomes impaired or dies. This area of the brain is responsible for controlling movement. Usually, these neurons or nerve cells produce a vital brain chemical called dopamine. But if the neurons become impaired or die, they are not able to produce the needed about of dopamine, thereby leading to movement issues linked to Parkinson’s disease.

Parkinson’s treatmentPatients suffering from Parkinson’s disease also lose nerve endings that are meant to produce norepinephrine, which is the key chemical messenger of the sympathetic nervous system and controls several functions of the body, including blood pressure and heart rate. The loss of norepinephrine ideally causes some of the non-movement symptoms of Parkinson’s disease like irregular blood pressure, fatigue, sudden drop in blood pressure when the patient stands up from a lying down or sitting position, as well as decreased movement of food through the digestive tract.

Several brain cells of people with Parkinson’s disease contain Lewy bodies, which basically are unusual clumps of the protein alpha-synuclein. A few of the cases of Parkinson’s disease ideally appears to be hereditary, on the other hand, a few cases can be traced to specific genetic mutations. Even though genetics is known to play a role in Parkinson’s, in a large number of scenarios the disease does not seem to run in families.

Broadly speaking, Parkinson’s disease has four main symptoms, which includes:

  • Tremors in the jaw, legs, arms, hands or head
  • Slowness of movement
  • Muscle stiffness where muscle remains contracted for a long time
  • Impaired coordination and balance and coordination, at times leading to falls

Joon Faii Ong London has invented GyroGlove, which is a wearable technology that can help in managing hand tremors caused by Parkinson’s disease. The symptoms of Parkinson’ and its rate of progression differ from one patient to another. Medicines can help manage the symptoms of Parkinson’s by increasing the level of dopamine in the brain and helping control non-movement symptoms.  Certain medicines meant for the condition also influences other brain chemicals, such as neurotransmitters, that transfers information between brain cells.