Increlex is also known as Mecasermin which is an injection of growth hormone .It s the derivative of insulin like growth factor -1 and constructed by the recombinant DNA. It is the perfect choice for body builders who are looking for the product of development and growth of their muscles. It is prepared in laboratories and is synthetic in nature. Before using it you should have a proper knowledge about Increlex. As it is present in injectable form and inserted inside the body unnecessarily (in medical term) then it can affect the body badly. Human body naturally produced insulin growth factor which helps in the growth of the body. The growth hormone is secreted by pituitary gland and effect the stimulation of hormones secreted by thyroid gland. The insulin growth factor 1 consists of a long chain of 70 amino acids. Increlex consist of same chain of amino acid. It is produced by the help of DNA recombinant technology. For this purpose the bacterium E.coli is modified and used. It attached or add gene for the manufacturing of endogenous insulin like growth factor-1. Online it is available with the name of rhIGF-1. INCRELEX 10 mg/ml solution for injection is the beginner dose and should be taken with care otherwise it could lead to negative side effects to view prices and discounts.
Increlex comes in the category of non-controlled drug. But it is strictly a prescribed drug and available only on prescription. It is not allowed for non medical usage, due to its illegal sale and usage it is banned in many countries Mecasermin is an endogenous IGf-1 which helps in enhancing growth of bones and muscles .Increlex is introduced in recent years only. It is also used as treatment for the growth problems in children.
The growth problems in childrens may occur due to biological, hormonal or hereditary factors. The growth of the body is mostly dependent on growth hormone secretion, if it secrets more than the limit it results in Giantism while when secreted low it results in dwarfism. According to Researches and studies Increlex is not suitable and non recommendable for deficiencies like malnutrition, hypothyroidism or growth hormone deficiencies. It is also mentioned by Increlex manufacturer that it is not suitable as the alternative for growth hormone. Increlex should be used only on prescription or on advice doctor without it you might risk your life. INCRELEX 10 mg/ml solution for injection is the average dosage used by beginners and intermediate users. Its dosage basically determined by the person’s weight. If you are taking Increlex in the form of tablets then the recommended dosage is 0.04 mg per kg to 0.08 mg per kg twice daily. The dosage should not be increased without any consultation otherwise it could lead to various negative symptoms.
The side effects of using Increlex are given below:
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Restlessness
- Irritability
- Dizziness
- Arrhythmia(Irregular heartbeat)
- Tachycardia (Faster than normal heartbeat)
- Difficulty concentrating