AK47 magazine quick loader

One of the most common doubts for those who want to protect themselves with a firearm concerns which weapon model would be recommended to newbies.

We will give you enough information to help you choose rationally.

First, it is necessary to understand that this decision is personal and varies according to several factors, notably:

  • Where the weapon will be registered
  • Value available for investment
  • Type of weapon to be purchased
  • Function that will be given the weapon
  • If for sport, which modality and category
  • Place where the weapon will perform its functions
  • Citizen experience

Let’s explore some of these factors a little.

Personal defense or sport

Weapons for self-defense are different from weapons dedicated to sport or recreation. In the first case, the correct thing is the registration Federal Police and the adaptation to the limits defined by law. So, if you intend to purchase a weapon to defend yourself, you already know that you will be limited to:

  • Pistols up to .380ACP caliber
  • Revolvers up to .38SPL caliber
  • Shotguns up to caliber 12, with a minimum barrel length of 610mm
  • Rifles and Carbines up to caliber 44-40

Along with these weapons, also purchase AK47 magazine quick loader, a great accessory.

AK47 magazine quick loader

Weapons outside these limits are intended only for Snipers, Collectors, Hunters and so-called “friends of the King”, a legal aberration that assumes that State agents must have “more powerful” weapons than other citizens.

In the case of purchase for sports or recreational shooting, weapons must be registered with Federal Police. The choice will vary according to the modality and division. This is an extremely complex issue that must be dealt with modality by modality and will not be explored here. This choice be made with the help of your shooting instructor or trainer in the sport.

This already limits the purchase options a lot, but we can refine more until we reach the minimum of possibilities.

Type of weapon to be purchased

There are roughly four groups of weapons that can be used for defense: Revolvers, Pistols, and Rifles.

Each of these groups has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Let’s go through each one quickly.

Revolver:Repetitive sized firearm, equipped with a rotating cylinder positioned behind the barrel, which serves as a magazine;

Pistol:Usually semi-automatic, whose single chamber is part of the barrel body and whose magazine, when in a fixed position, keeps the cartridges in a row.

Carbine:A portable firearm similar to a rifle, of reduced dimensions, with a long barrel – although relatively smaller than that of the rifle – with a streaked soul.