In times of perfectly aligned gums and ultra-harmonized teeth through ceramic laminates, the use of prosthetic devices such as removable dental prosthesis with metal clamp can be an inexhaustible source for psychological conditions of depression, and social isolation.
The flexible dental prosthesis is a more aesthetic alternative to the traditional technique with metal clamps. With clamps made in the same colour as the teeth or gums – no wonder it is also called a dental prosthesis with an aesthetic or “invisible” clamp, it can be the ideal solution to recover the harmony of the smile, and eliminate the metallic parts so characteristic of mobile dental bridge. But it requires attention regarding its durability and advantages.
Aesthetic relief is the main feature
The absence of metal clamps used to grasp the mobile dental prosthesis is the main characteristic of the flexible technique. The flexible dental prosthesis from the best Semi flex denture in Kolkata is to provide sufficient aesthetic relief to eliminate the damage to the smile caused by the metal of the traditional device. It is important that the patient, who is a candidate for the flexible technique, is aware that the limitations of this device can go beyond the reduced durability, and inferior aesthetic results when compared to more sophisticated techniques such as fixed porcelain dental prosthesis.
Dental prosthesis with flexible clamp
How long does the flexible dental prosthesis last? After the end of treatment, this is the most important question for the majority of patients seen. The fact, however, is that little is known about the durability of this device, which requires special care for cleaning, and conservation during rest periods of use.
The durability of the flexible dental prosthesis is considered inferior to the conventional metal technique. On the other hand, it also weighs the fact that the replacement of both dentures and removable partial dentures must be performed every four years to compensate for the progressive bone loss that accompanies areas with missing teeth – a fact that can be compatible with lifetime expectancy for the flexible device.
After knowing about dental prosthesis you can search the best Dental Implant in Kolkata.
Advantages of semi flex denture
- Elimination of metal staples
- Aesthetic relief
- Less risk for fractures in the supporting teeth
- Can be used as temporary dental prosthesis
Along with these tips, you can choose the best Full Mouth Dental Implant in Kolkata, and keep continue with your beautiful smile.