Steroids are normally generated in the human body. The steroids are the synthetic form of producing sex hormones like testosterone, estrogens, androgens and more. It is a molecular composite to give similar outcomes of naturally developed hormones. These steroids are produced in the form of injections, pills, creams and eye drops. When a person has the low level of testosterone and other hormones, then doctor prescribes this steroid to use. Steroids are of two types. They are corticosteroids and anabolic androgenic steroids. Corticosteroids are utilized to halt high immune defects like heavy swelling, allergic reactions, and many others. This steroid produces same steroidal hormone, mimic cortisol in adrenal glands. Anabolic androgenic steroids are used by humans for body development. Anabolic deals with the growth of body muscles whereas androgenic deals with rising of male features in the body.
Steroids for bodybuilding
Anabolic steroids are used for increasing the production of testosterone levels in the body. This hormone is required for the body growth. The athletes and bodybuilders prefer anabolic and androgenic drugs for their physique, energy and are ready for sports and competitions. Anabolic drugs are synthetic compounds of same steroidal hormone testosterone as it is must in steroids for quick production of body and produce more results. These steroids are also used for weight loss and in medical use also. It is used to heal patients suffering from anemia, arthritis and other toxic problems.
These drugs are used to increase body muscles and for bulking up the body. It is used for bulking and cutting cycles. In bulking cycle, the steroids are used for increasing body size with heavy muscles. In cutting cycle, the steroids are used for developing thin muscles and body growth. With the steroids, energy, endurance is developed and loss of fat is done. The bodybuilders usually prefer bulking cycle to grow large muscles. The athletes and women bodybuilders prefer cutting cycle for lean muscle growth. It should be used with proper dose and cycles to get improvements in body performance. These steroids use results in achieving a good physique, stamina, tolerance and strong muscle mass without water retention. Generally, it gives outcomes quick but following proper dose and taking on time the oral steroids in the cycle will benefit before the cycle completes. Also, the users who are beginners should use steroids with less dose and then be depending on the effects you can either continue or not. It is best to consult a doctor or physician before using steroids for health regarding dose as it may vary and its reaction differs for person to person.
Side effects of steroids
When used improperly, the anabolic steroids affect the user with health problems. The side effects include diarrhea, menstrual disorder, nausea, liver disease or toxic. It should not be taken by pregnant ladies, children, or people suffering from kidney problems and heart attack issues. Because of irregular levels of androgenic steroid, men get affected with female features like breast development and in women, development of male features like body and facial hair, deep voice features, damage of liver, increase of outer sex hormones, and heart strokes. In men, cholesterol level is increased, aggression and heart problems. These are the side effects occur when you neglect dose range and counter reactions of steroids.