Divorce is not a walk in the park, even mediation. To reach a point to make the decision to divorce it takes a long time and hard road for many couples. But once the couple has made the decision to move on with the divorce a lot of legal process is required and mediation can help make the process a lot easier.
The main aim of mediation is for the couple to reach a suitable agreement that works for both parts with minimal dispute. Mediation is a voluntary way to resolve dispute.
During the mediation process one has to work together with a mediator whose job is to ease the resolution process. The mediator’s job is not to issue a ruling on the agreement made by both parties. Many of the mediators are found in the best corporate law firms.
The main work of a mediator is to improve communication between the two parts, listening to both side, has the ability to sort out the differences in a fair manner and sharing want is important for both parties especially the legal part.
If one is involved in the mediation process it’s important to consult the legal process that is involved in the process and it’s important to do your homework so as to ensure your rights are protected.
Before going for a mediation section here are some things to know about it:
1. Both Parties Agrees To Mediate
Mediation is among the legal process one can put there issues on the table and agreeing without being forced. In most part of the state mediation is voluntary.
The mediation parties have to be there physically during the mediation section. Most part of the section is to talk and agree about logistics like the properties involved, the kids care and protection like college funds and many others.
Sometimes when one party does not agree with the negotiation process, they can’t work out of the mediation process. As they feel one party is being favored one can decide to go back to the court.
2. Before Hiring A Mediator, Do Research
Not every mediator who calls him/herself a mediator is professional trained. Many have taken advantage of the mediator work as many state governments have no laws or regulation to monitor them and bring scam mediators to books.
Some of the reasons why the mediation industry has grown are due to some facts like many people are not able to afford to pay a lawyer to represent them. Another factor that has contributed is the fact is the best legal form of solving dispute before going to court.
Don’t be fooled by the academic credential that the person has under their name. Some of the key facts to look at before hiring a mediator: if they are certified in family mediation, what best corporate law firms they work with, what many cases they have dealt with.
3. Set Your Goals
This is sometimes the most difficult process. First and foremost know want have, then figure out what to do with them. Trying to figure out the most important staff in once life and things to let go is quite difficult.
When making sure decision leave everything out and draft your current budget and another one that will show you how it will look like after separation. It will help you see a clear financial picture and what you need moving forward.
The mediation process is not easy but being flexible and adaptable will help you in the process.