What You Need to Know about a Deep Tissue Massage

A deep tissue massage is the kind of massage that makes use of deep pressure. This uses finger pressure and slow strokes, the purpose of which is to release tension and tightness within the muscles  and the connective tissues. This is one of the massage types offered by Melbourne Natural Therapies.

This type of massage primarily focuses on the specific areas of discomfort. Most often, these are the neck, legs, buttocks, and shoulders. This may also be used on the arms like in the case of tennis elbow or in plantar fasciitis of the feet. The intense pressure helps in alleviating imbalance or soreness brought about by injury or plain tenseness. It is a great massage to have by those who suffer from stress or anxiety by releasing the tension within the body.

This massage may last from 60 up to 90 minutes. This is an intense massage technique, but it is important that you don’t experience pain.

When it comes to the benefits of a deep tissue massage, this addresses both the mental aspect and one’s general well-being. The following are some of its main benefits:

Melbourne Natural TherapiesMay help with back pain

A 2017 study investigated the effects of deep tissue massage in 31 males who suffer from a certain type of arthritis. The men were grouped into two, those who received a deep tissue massage while the other one a therapeutic massage. The study revealed that those who received a deep tissue massage experienced significant pain reduction.

May help with recovery from injury

Research said that a deep and soft tissue release may help you recover from any type of injury like ankle injury. A massage may help relieve physical pain and stiffness, hasten the healing of sprains and muscle strains, improve the blood circulation which reduces swelling and fluid buildup surrounding an injury, and restore the body’s range of motion.

Reduces high blood pressure

According to research, a sports massage may reduce heart rate and regulate high blood pressure. However, you will find limited studies that delve into the effects of deep tissue massage such as these.

Helps with sleep

First, you sleep well because of pain relief. A deep tissue massage may also have a soporific effect on the later part because of the natural increase of serotonin in the body.

Improved flexibility

A deep tissue massage may enhance the range of movements in your tight muscles. This enables one to have a much better performance and for safer workouts.

You can best experience the benefits of a deep tissue massage when you undergo a regular course of massage sessions over a time period from Melbourne Natural Therapies. After a deep tissue massage, you would feel a bit of tenderness in the area that has been massaged. It’s critical that you don’t experience active pain though.