Ankle and foot problems

Selin Sakarcan Talks About Situations Where One Would Need a Foot or Ankle Surgery

There are a number of problems associated with feet and/or ankles that one may suffer from. But they would not need a surgery for all these problems. The decision whether to operate depends on a number of factors, including how severe are the symptoms faced by the patients and their distinctive needs. If the pain caused by a foot or ankle hinders their daily life, then a surgery might be needed. The response of the patients other treatments, including drugs, physiotherapy and special footwear, must also be considered.  Experienced podiatrists like Selin Sakarcan will be able to adequately advice people whether or not a surgery would be a suitable option for them.

In most cases, podiatrists try to help the patients out with less invasive treatments first. However, in certain situations, surgery tends to be the ideal option for treating severe or chronic disorders of the feet and ankles. Advantages of going for a surgery include greater mobility, long lasting pain relief, and even improved foot and/or ankle function. Here are a few conditions for which a surgery is generally recommended:

  • Plantar fasciitis: In case the plantar fascia becomes too severely inflamed and leads to chronic pain, going for a surgery might be recommended in order to the tendon. An outpatient surgery is done in this situation, which can be completed within an hour or so.
  • Hammer toes: If the toes become bent permanently, they might rub against other toes, causing infection and blister. They may cause trouble with mobility as well. Going for a surgery can solve this issue.
  • Bunions: This problem takes place when bony lumps develop on the sides of the foot or under the big toe. In case bunions persist over a long period of time, there is a chance that it would cause deformity in the other toes.  A surgery can help in can straighten the toes and relieve the condition.
  • Arthritis: Ankle arthritis generally is caused by rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis or injury to the ankle.  On the basis of the type and severity of arthritis one is suffering from, there are multiple types of surgeries they may have to undergo to correct the problem. An experienced podiatrist would be able to help the patient understand what would be the right surgery for their situation.

When considering foot surgery, it will be a good idea to talk to a podiatrist like Selin Sakarcan about preparing for the surgery and what recovery will entail. She has proper qualifications in the domain, and hence can competently assist any patient. Selin is a podiatric physician, as well as foot and ankle surgeon, and medical resident. She was recently accepted to the Harvard Macy Institute for the 2020 Program for Postgraduate Trainees: Future Academic Clinician Educators. She has also served as the Student Body President at Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine.