It seems like the older you get, the harder it is to wake up in the morning. Mornings are definitely not easy, especially if you work in a type of environment where you need to be awake at 6 a.m. but you also want to stay up late to finish binge watching Game of Thrones. That’s where coffee comes in. The right cup of coffee in the morning can almost magically transform your day from dragging, sluggish, exhausting into something that is definitely better. The only problem is that nobody wants to bother with fiddling with their coffee maker in the morning. Even though most coffee machines allow you to set the machine up the night before, how many of us forget to do that? Does leaving those coffee grounds open to air inside of your coffee machine overnight change the flavor?
Making Mornings Easy
One of the best ways to make sure that you make your morning as easy as possible is to invest in a coffee pod machine. It’s hard to believe that it was only a handful of years ago that coffee pod machines came onto the market. Now there’s more competition than ever between the different coffee companies. Even if you’ve never owned a coffee pod machine before you’ve likely seen commercials by companies online, for example everyone has seen the Nespresso coffee pods commercial at least a few times. While it used to be that pod machines were only good for a quick caffeine hit, because the flavor of the grounds were often not the best due to the fact that the beans are generally roasted dark and extremely fast, today’s coffee pods are not only time-saving wonders, they’re helping to bring a depth of flavor into your kitchen that you could usually only get at a high end coffee shop.
Fresher Flavor
One of the important things to know is that the technology of coffee capsules is actually extremely good. One of the biggest problems with the flavor of roasted, ground beans is that oxygen can make the beans taste stale. That’s the reason why some people refuse to buy pre-ground coffee and choose to grind their own coffee instead. While this may be a great option for a lazy Sunday morning most people don’t have the time to grind their own coffee beans on a work day. The coffee pods, however, ensure that the small amount of open space left between the top of the coffee in the top of the capsule is filled with inert gas. This means that the coffee grounds can stay at peak quality for a much longer amount of time which results in a much fresher flavor.
Finding Your Coffee
As with everything finding the right coffee pods depends on your personal taste buds. What works for one person may not work for another. Companies like Gimoka Coffee UK are changing the way the world looks at pod coffee makers by providing a wide array of different flavors and roasts of coffee, expressly made for pod coffee makers! The company even makes pods that are compatible with Nespresso coffee pods machines. It’s great that not only is the pricing affordable through Gimoka, there is such a wide array of different Italian flavors available to select from as well, including flavors like Vellutato, which is made of 100% Arabica beans and has some delicious chocolate notes (perfect for mocha lovers), Lungo, a light-roasted bean that is great for those who like coffee but don’t want too strong of a taste, and Deciso, for those who need that strong coffee flavor to help them truly wake up in the morning.